Mamogram Add

The breast cancer industry’s holy grail (that mammography is the primary weapon in the war against breast cancer) has been disproved. In fact, mammography appears to have CREATED 1.3 million cases of breast cancer in the U.S. population that were not there. Mammograms are performed today for two reasons: they help detect breast cancer and also help confirm a diagnosis if another screening option shows the presence of cancerous cells.
Mammograms might be able to help screen for breast cancer in some cases, but they do nothing to help prevent or treat breast cancer (in fact, the opposite might be true). Clinical trials regarding breast cancer screening technologies, including mammograms, have overall shown conflicting results. Potential Dangers of Mammography- In 2001, the Cochrane Institute carried out an analysis to study findings about mammography screening and pointed out that overall screening can actually be harmful because it frequently leads to overdiagnosis and overtreatment. They also found that many advocacy groups and websites in favor of mammograms accepted sponsorship from the mammogram industry without restriction. This results in certain organizations promoting the benefits of mammograms without also revealing the risks and drawbacks. The same issue is also a problem when it comes to treating cancer naturally versus with more aggressive approaches.
A Better Option Over Mammogram Thermography(ThermoScan) is a state-of- the-art, potentially life-saving, non-invasive technology that does not use radiation or compression to measure heat emissions from the body. Thermography measures infrared heat from your body and interprets the information in images that can be tracked over time to look for changes. This heat pattern of the body will indicate inflammation as a “hot spot” to indicate possible illness or disease. It’s painless, easy to perform, can be performed in pregnant women and can be just as effective and accurate (if not more) as mammograms. Using thermography, doctors can detect cancerous tumors in its early stages, offering patients the best chance of recovery. Of course, prevention is also key. Eat a healthy diet with cancer-fighting foods, get enough exercise, reduce stress and limit toxin exposure to lower your risk as much as possible.
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